Smart links for a smart website

Use Skailed™ Smart Links to build your authority online

Skailed™ Smart Links integrates with Shopify to automate the internal linking experience.

After a complete analysis of your site, Skailed™ will make recommendations for related products on each collection page. 

These Smart Links are like internal links, but instead of being woven into the copy, they are displayed after the product listings. You can format and alter the design of Skailed™ Smart Links according to your Shopify theme.

You’ll give your customers an improved browsing experience and make navigating to related collections and products easier. It will also boost your search engine rankings as more authority is built across your site. 

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What sets Skailed™ Smart Links apart

You’ll find plenty of programmatic SEO tools online – so what makes Skailed™ stand out from everyone else?

Skailed™ Smart Links enrich the browsing experience for your customers. By providing automated linking of related products and categories, your customers are naturally led to other spots on your site.

Skailed™ Smart Links can help build page authority and create a more robust internal linking structure, working with any internal links built into the copy. Get ready for a boost in your search engine rankings.

Easy navigation to related items increases site exploration, raising page views and engagement potential.

Skailed™ Smart Links are automated – saving time, resources and allowing your team to focus on other priorities.

Skailed™ Smart Links are accurate – the software will not link to broken pages, minimising any SEO damage.
Better Indexation: A structured linking system aids in effective search engine crawling and indexing.

Automated linking means higher conversion rates and sales. When users are gently guided through related products, they spend more time on the site and are more likely to make a decision on purchases – and any related products.

Skailed™ uses analytics for optimising link strategies based on user behaviour and performance.

Quickly adjusts to inventory or site changes, maintaining an up-to-date linking structure.

Automates cross-selling, improving average order value and customer satisfaction.

Recharge your SEO strategy with Skailed™

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